Help Nick pay his way to the
2020 Olympics in Tokyo
Every little bit helps! Thanks!



Congratulations Nick for making the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team!

Making the Olympic Team is basically a points race. To accumulate points, you have to travel all over the world. Each trip’s expenses include a plane ticket, housing, camp fee, entry fee, food etc. With nearly twenty trips a year, my annual expenses generally exceed $50,000. Keeping this busy schedule made it impossible for me to hold down a job and cover even my basic expenses at home. Thank you to all of my donors and sponsors for making my Olympic dream come true.

Help support Nick’s 2020 Olympic dreams by donating to his #2020Vision.


2012 U.S. Olympic Trials photo album

For Nick Delpopolo media inquires please contact Carrie Chandler at

Copyright 2017 Nick Delpopolo Judo